Moon in Sights | July 24 - August 18 2014

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 Moon, Venus and Mercury in Cancer | 24 July 2014 
Ruling the 4th House in astrology, Cancer is all about our internal and outer home. Where do we feel most at home? With the Moon, Mercury and Venus here it can be a great time to start appreciating where we are today, wherever we may be. To make way for gratitude and peace to come into our life. To find a new sense of comfort in a place we like to call home, or at least become more aware of what we can do to make our self feel more joyful in this very moment. During the next few weeks we can find the opportunity at the right time to experience something very unique with family and friends. What we feel and think about can happen when we take positive action.



★ ★ ★ ★ 

 New Moon in Leo | 26 July 2014 
And suddenly you know... It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings. Meister Eckhart Where were we 3 years ago? 2 years ago? 1 year ago? 1 week ago? How much have we truly changed? How much have we grown? Happy New Moon in Leo! Love and freedom rule this New Moon in playful and upbeat Leo! Ruling the 5th House in Astrology, Leo in our chart represents our freedom of self-expression, creativity, playfulness, and confidence. With the Sun and Jupiter here, the New Moon marks a time when we can no longer be anyone but our truest and most authentic self! Not only because we want to, but because we feel that we need to. Otherwise we'd feel like we are betraying our heart and soul. It's a truly cathartic time for many of us, a time when we can finally open our heart to more people in our life. The Leo sign represents true expression of the heart, so there's really no better time to express our appreciation than this New Moon!




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 Moon in Virgo | 29 July 2014 
It's time to get back to work. When the Moon is in Virgo, it's always a great time to put our focus back on our daily life - re: domestic routines, work, exercises, etc. For some of us who are currently still on holidays, it can be a great time to start planning about what we will do after the holidays are over. The Moon in communicative + detail-oriented Virgo is trining Pluto the intense planet in Capricorn and I drew a special card from the Tarot Angel Cards, the card I picked was Do Not Judge; Do you like to judge? Are you aware that judgments kill? Are you aware that judging damages you and others the most? Are you aware that all your judgments about yourself and others are locked in your body? What would it be like to stop judging? Affirmation: What kind of energy and consciousness can I be and what can I do and add to my life at this moment so I can let go of all judgments about myself and others NOW and in THE FUTURE?



★ ★ ★ ★ 

 Moon and North Node in Libra | 1 August 2014 
Our capacity to understand and respect the pain of another is in direct correlation with our capacity to understand and respect our own pain. This leads to openheartedness and patience. When the Moon is in Libra, it's a great time to share our thoughts and feelings with people we feel most comfortable with. As the sign of balance, Libra energy is all about discovering what's fair in life and in love. What do we consider to be fair in our life + what is not? The answers are always within. Seek peace and pursue it.



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 Moon, Mars and Saturn in Scorpio | 3 August 2014 
Truths birth new life. With the Moon back in water sign Scorpio, this time along with Mars and Saturn - which has been here since October of 2012, it's another chance for us to explore our deep inner world. I've come to learn that Saturn in Scorpio is the no-joke placement, the hyper reality, hyper sobriety, no-stone-unturned position. It's a time when more truths and secrets have come out. A time when we are face to face with our deep dark fears. What to do when things get too dark? It's time to bring back the light. Whether through prayer, meditation, positive affirmations, or by removing (reducing?) negative thoughts, patterns, and people from our life in order to make way for a new rebirth of the soul. Stay passionate + positive on the way to clarity and emotional freedom.



★ ★ ★ ★ 

 Moon in Sagittarius | 5 August 2014 
Dynamic time for growth! Regardless of where our life is heading, we will see in the end that we've done the best that we know how on the way. We may wish there was more that we could do, just trust that in time we will do more of what we're truly ready to do. With the Moon in fire sign Sagittarius trining planets in fellow fire signs - Jupiter, Mercury, and the Sun in Leo + Uranus Rx in Aries, it's a time when we can once again instill more positive spirit into our life. With every step we take we are getting closer to our goals and dreams - despite of what we might consider to be the wrong or right step. Every lesson we encounter opens a new doorway to our highest and best potential. Welcome the new roads!



★ ★ ★ ★ 

 Moon and Pluto in Capricorn | 7 August 2014 
Believe in new tomorrow. Trying a different approach in life. Taking more practical and direct action to reach one's hopes and dreams. With the Moon back in responsible and hard-working Capricorn along with Pluto - while positively aspecting Mars and Saturn in Scorpio + Neptune in Pisces, it's a magical time to get divine inspiration and clearer vision of what we can actually do next in order to achieve outcomes that are closer to heart. I drew a special card from Michelle Newton's Angel Feather Oracle for whoever is reading this post, and the card I picked was the Burgundy Feather; Invite a miracle! The Burgundy Angel Feather is presented to you as a symbol of 'miraculous beauty'. When you invite the angels into your life, miracles begin to appear. They are dedicated to assist you in practical ways and also spiritually, by raising your vibrations. When you believe in miracles you begin to lead a miraculous life!



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 Full Moon in Aquarius | 10 August 2014 
If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. #ChineseProverb Happy Super Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius! With the Moon in mind-ruled Aquarius opposing the Sun in heart-ruled Leo, this Full Moon is a time of bringing 2 opposing mindsets and goals into harmony. When there is balance between our sense of personal freedom and our understanding of the common good we can reach a goal where everybody wins - and that's always good! This Full Moon will also directly oppose Mercury which is currently close the Sun in Leo, and this can further emphasize the challenge in figuring out what we want to do vs. what we need to do. By opening our heart and mind to understanding what is best for everyone, we can find solutions to what we ought to do from now on in order to benefit more people in our world. It is time to have more trust in our self and others. Know that we are never alone, and in the end, everything has a purpose.



★ ★ ★ ★ 

 Moon and Neptune in Pisces | 12 August 2014 
When all else fails, faith won't. Believe... What does the word faith mean to you? In what do you believe? When the Moon is in Pisces, it's a wonderful time to delve into our spiritual world. No matter how we see spirituality, we can feel a sense of peace and satisfaction whenever we get in touch with our inner wisdom and creativity. Fulfilling our destiny. Expressing our soul purpose. Enjoying and appreciating life in this very moment ~ no matter what may be going on. Remembering that the ups and downs we experience are part of what made us the unique human we are today, stronger, wiser, and new. These are themes that can come up whenever the Moon joins Neptune - which has been in Pisces since 2011, and will be until 2025.・゜゜・*☆ I drew a special card from Doreen Virtue's Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Cards for whoever is reading this post, and the card I picked was Giving & Receiving; The entire universe operates in cycles similar to your inhalations and exhalations. When you only exhale (give) or only inhale (receive), you become out of rhythm with the universe. For optimal health, energy, and replenishment, balance each inhalation in your life with an exhalation. Additional meanings for this card: In your relationships, make sure you both give and receive. The situation you're asking about requires balanced male and female energies. To receive, first you must give. Tithe whatever it is you need more of (time, money, items, and so on). Affirm: "I now receive good graciously into my life."



★ ★ ★ ★ 

 Moon and Uranus Rx in Aries + Venus and Jupiter in Leo | 13 August 2014 
Happy mind-body-soul aka happy Venus in Leo! Finally it's a time of more love and adventure! Venus conjunct Jupiter in Leo can touch one key area of our life that has become stagnant and bring more fun + sweetness into it. And part of it has to do with us taking new and bolder actions in regards to expressing our love and passions. With the Moon back in Aries conjunct Retrograde Uranus, it's always a great time to explore our emotional world with new 'eyes'. How can we feel more comfortable in expressing our truest emotions with the special people in our life? How can we break an old pattern so that we can feel new again? The trine between the Moon/Uranus and Venus/Jupiter in fire signs can indeed promise to bring more fiery and fun passions into our life. Whether romantically, professionally, creatively, emotionally or spiritually - we can once again rediscover the fun spirit of love. Remain open to life's magic and new doors will be opened!



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 Moon in Taurus + Mars sextile Pluto | 15 August 2014 
Enjoying life's simple pleasures, aka good foods and drinks, music and art, as well as appreciating nature aka the trees, plants and flowers, can be themes when the Moon is in sensual and earthy Taurus. Interestingly, though, we can also be filled with deep thoughts and emotions as Mars in Scorpio forms a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. Both are powerful planets, and when they form a harmonious and productive aspect we can find ways to direct the strong energies in our favour. We may be intrigued by the deep inner workings of our psyche and come to the realization that behind every anger, every pain, and every disappointment, truly lie deep wisdom and light. Inspirations that come up at this time can be eye-opening, as long as we're willing to spend some time to tune into our own inner light and reflect on who we really are today, and what we truly want. I find this new meditation by Louise Hay to be especially relevant for the current cosmic weather; "I Am Energy. I liberate my energy by doing things that delight me. As I consciously acknowledge the energy of love in my life, I dissolve old grudges that wear me down. When I feel tired, I rest. I even give myself permission to do absolutely nothing every once in a while. My energy is radiant and peaceful today. Laughing, singing, and dancing are my natural, normal, spontaneous expressions. I know I am part of the Divine plan. I am creating space inside myself for loving, optimistic, and cheerful patterns to constantly germinate, take root, and grow. I nourish them with my positive attitude. Let's affirm: I do things that delight me."



★ ★ ★ ★ 

 Bulan di Taurus + Mars sextile Pluto (Indonesian) 
Menikmati kesenangan hidup yang sederhana, seperti makanan dan minuman yang lezat, musik dan kesenian, serta menghargai alam seperti pepohonan, tanaman dan bunga, dapat menjadi tema saat Bulan berada di rasi bintang Taurus yang sensual dan bersahaja. Menariknya, meskipun demikian, kita juga bisa dipenuhi dengan pikiran dan emosi yang mendalam karena Mars di Scorpio membentuk sextile ke Pluto di Capricorn. Keduanya adalah planet dengan energi yang kuat, dan ketika mereka membentuk aspek yang harmonis dan produktif kita bisa menemukan cara untuk mengarahkan energi kuat mereka ke arah yang lebih mendukung kita. Mungkin kita sedang tertarik untuk memahami lebih dalam cara kerja batin kita, dan akhirnya menemukan keyakinan bahwa di balik setiap amarah, setiap sakit hati, dan setiap kekecewaan, sesungguhnya terdapat cahaya dan hikmah yang hakiki. Inspirasi yang muncul pada saat ini dapat membuka mata, selama kita mau meluangkan waktu untuk fokus ke cahaya batin kita dan merenungkan siapa diri kita saat ini, dan apa yang sebenarnya kita inginkan. Menurut saya meditasi baru dari Louise Hay ini sangat cocok untuk cuaca kosmik saat ini; "Saya adalah Energi. Saya membebaskan energi saya dengan melakukan hal-hal yang menyenangkan bagi saya. Ketika saya sadar akan energi cinta dalam kehidupan, saya bisa melepaskan dendam lama yang telah membelenggu saya. Ketika saya merasa lelah, saya beristirahat. Terkadang saya juga bisa mengizinkan diri sendiri untuk tidak melakukan apapun. Energi saya bersinar dan damai saat ini. Tertawa, menyanyi, dan menari adalah ekspresi alami, normal, dan spontan dari jiwa saya. Saya tahu saya adalah bagian dari rencana Ilahi. Saya menciptakan ruang dalam diri saya untuk pola hidup yang penuh kasih, optimisme, dan keceriaan yang dapat terus berakar, bertumbuh, dan berkembang. Saya memelihara semua perasaan itu dengan sikap yang positif. Mari menegaskan: Saya suka melakukan hal-hal yang menyenangkan bagi saya."



★ ★ ★ ★ 

 Moon in Gemini | 18 August 2014 
Back to business! The Moon moves into Gemini at the beginning of the week signalling an important time when we can discover new breakthroughs in communication, as well as more effective ways in which we can improve our working life. Whatever we consider to be 'work' or 'school' can be positively highlighted as the Moon makes yet another harmonious aspect to Venus, Jupiter and the Sun in Leo + Uranus Rx in Aries. Communication is key at this time. Regardless of how challenging some conversations can get, it's important to keep our heart and mind open. With the Moon in expressive and quick-witted Gemini, it's always a good time to have meaningful and intelligent exchanges with others, whether one-to-one or in a group. Our mind can be more alert too with Mercury now back in one of his home signs, Virgo - which can emphasize more productive thinking and communications. Focus on details that we may have missed last week, and start following through on tasks and projects that we consider to be the most important. Message of the week: Keep going! ٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)ᵒᵏᵎᵎᵎᵎ

Yaviz Basalamah

Blog Post Image via Olli's Place

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