Full Moon in Taurus | Learning How To Give Out Love

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 October 27th, 2015 

Full Moon in Taurus: What you take in is what you give out.

What are we putting into our body? And what are we putting into our mind? What ideas are we taking in? And what energy are we giving out? Know that the way we perceive our world affects what energy we give out into the world. So are we aware of the energy that we are reflecting out into the world with our actions? There are two kinds of reflection. One is a reflection of love, and the other is of fear. Most of us struggle with these two because we all perceive things differently. We also think and feel differently from one moment to the next because of our changing moods and feelings. Then, what can we do to give out the kind of energy we want reflected back into our life? The first thing would be self-awareness. How are we feeling in this moment? Are we feeling good? Or are we feeling bad? It's a simple question, but the root of the answers may not always be so simple. Because sometimes we have to trace back to what really happened to us that are making us feel this way in this moment. What movies or shows are watching? What foods are we eating? What articles are we reading? What stories do we keep replaying in our mind? These factors play an important part in our perception. What we are taking in, is what we will give out. Once we are aware of this, then we can go to the next step, which is making the right choices for ourself. By understanding our own feelings, we will know what kind of energy we are emitting into the world. And from there, we can choose how we can move forward and make the changes that we are guided to make. Embrace the love within and be the love we wish to see in our world.

Happy Full Hunter's Moon! The Moon is in Taurus opposite the Sun in Scorpio, marking a super intuitive and earthy Full Moon in the sign of the Bull. Learning how to be a better listener for our body is the theme at this time. By trying to understand better what our body is trying to say, we can cultivate a more open and aware relationship with our own energy. The Hunter's Moon itself is a Full Moon that happens in October, which is preceded by the appearance of the Harvest Moon back in late September. Traditionally, Native American hunters see this Full Moon as a prime time to hunt for deer and foxes at night as they prepare for the coming winter. With the Hunter's Moon happening in the sign of Taurus, it can be a great time to 'hunt' for some new diet tricks, or tips on how to develop a better sense of self by setting healthier boundaries. Taurus rules the 2nd House in Astrology, or the House of Possessions and Personal Values. It deals with things that we own, and it's not limited only to tangible things. Standing up for ourself and what we believe in also counts as owning our values. The Taurean energy is all about slow and steady work, because they have immense perseverance. Those born under this sign may seem stubborn, deeply sensitive or materialistic at times, but deep down they are loyal, generous, dependable bunch who can get things done and do it with style and beauty. For some, the Full Moon is a time of culminations and rewards for a job well done. For others, it is a reflective time and promises a breeding ground for fresh ideas and new initiatives.

With the Moon's sextile to Neptune Rx, do whatever is enriching for us to move forward. The Full Moon is guiding us to take extra good care of ourself. This is probably because we have been feeling drained. Spend more time nurturing ourself. Gentle food, gentle music and gentle activities can elevate the mind. Think not only of tomorrow, but of the future that holds new possibilities. Use our knowledge when confronted with a challenge, our senses are ten times stronger to move onto the next solution. Our creativity and desire to consider the opinion of others on practical matters will also be helpful and encouraging. The Taurus Moon is forming a trine to Pluto, Venus, Jupiter and Mars, and we trust our instincts as we discover new paths worth taking. We can put things behind us that were bothersome and see new signs of emotional progress. Any plan we make to change our life can bring in promising results. Any creative work we have finished should be put on display for others to see. There is love on offer along the way if we are open to it. Even though the Taurean energy is usually reluctant to change, try our best to be open to new ideas and prospects of change. We can begin the process with our brand new sense of self-love and self-respect. In the end, realizing the importance of our Earthly vessel - which is our body, is indeed the first step to recognizing our divinity and the divinity in others. It is true, after all. Our body is our temple. Our home. Our vehicle in this voyage of life. So love it. Live it. Be one with it. Protect what is ours, and believe in ourself.

Yaviz Basalamah

Full Moon in Taurus: Oppose the Sun in Scorpio ● Sextile Neptune Rx in Pisces
Trine Pluto in Capricorn and Venus, Jupiter and Mars in Virgo


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